field trip registration


FURTHER BELOW are our monthly bird walks to Westchester birding hotspots.

We also offer in-person and Zoom education programs and workshops.

Sign up for our “pop up birding” email notice list to get notices about pop-up trips scheduled with short notice to regional birding hotspots.

New to birding or group bird walks?
Here are some trip tips suggested by our leaders and participants.

Special Field Trips

  • The below field trips are special events that do NOT require registration OR have registration through other organizations. For these events, be sure to check our website BEFORE traveling in case of uncertain weather.  We always post any event changes to the event calendar on the front page of our website.

Second Saturday Walks at Brinton Brook
9:00 am start
Led by SMRA Sanctuaries Chair Michael Madias, Jr, these monthly walks explore the trails of our largest sanctuary, Brinton Brook Sanctuary in Croton.  No registration needed. Walks last about two hours.  Good for adults and ages 8 and up. Meet in the main parking lot here. Held even with rain or snow but check our website calendar if road conditions are uncertain.

Saturday, February 8, 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Eagle Watch at Lyndhurst
In a special partnership between Lyndhurst and Saw Mill River Audubon, we are offering birding events on the grounds of Lyndhurst. This event will be standing and sitting along the Hudson River shoreline, watching for overwintering bald eagles and other river birds, plus listening and looking for other birds on the Lyndhurst grounds.  Free registration required to limit group size.

Field Trips Outside Westchester

  • When you register for a field trip, we will send you an email with the meeting place and other details and we will also send reminder emails before the trip. If you do NOT get a confirmation email, first check your spam/trash email folders and then email our office because we want to be sure you receive all event info and updates.
Short-eared Owl hunting at Shawangunk Grasslands. Photo by Kyle Bardwell.
Short-eared Owl hunting at Shawangunk Grasslands. Photo by Kyle Bardwell.

Shawangunk Grasslands
National Wildlife Refuge
for Short-eared Owl
Monday, February 10, 4:30pm
Registration required.  No charge.
More info & registration

Dunlin at Nickerson Beach. Photo by David Chernek.

Long Island Birding
Saturday, March 15, 2025, 7:00 am
Registration required.  No charge.
More info & registration

Monthly Bird Walks at Westchester Hotspots

Below are walks that we offer every month to key birding hotspots in Westchester: Croton Point Park, Edith Read Sanctuary (in winter months), Lyndhurst, Marshlands Conservancy (spring through fall), Muscoot Farm and Rockefeller State Park Preserve.
  • We do limit our walks to 25 people by advance registration for a better birding experience and we sometimes end up with fewer people depending on the weather and cancellations.
  • Because of last minute cancellations, we often draw from the walk’s waiting list in the days before each walk so if a walk is showing as sold out, be sure to click through anyway to get on the waiting list.
  • April through June 2025 walks will be open for registration by 2/10/25