office & staff
The office for Saw Mill River Audubon is located at Pruyn Sanctuary:
275 Millwood Road
Chappaqua, New York 10514
[Google map link]
Current Office Hours
M/W/F 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
excluding major/school holidays. Please call or email before visiting our office.
Our office supports the mission of Saw Mill River Audubon by answering phone and email questions about local birds and other wildlife, membership matters, and Audubon events and activities.
Our office also supports the work of our volunteer board of directors.

We offer pickup of your bird seed order at the office entrance of Pruyn Sanctuary. Visit our seed sale page to see our inventory and prices and when ordering online, let us know your choice of pickup day.
The Kaye Anderson Library is also located in the office. This library offers a selection of bird field guides for locations worldwide. Short-term loans are available for members of Saw Mill River Audubon
Executive Director
Anne Swaim
Office Manager
Barbara Daniel
Sanctuaries Caretaker
Danny Ferguson
Peter Salmansohn
Carol Hildenbrand
SMRA Education Partner
The Rewilding School
Eric Stone, Director